02 Saturday
November 7:30 pm
Long Room
Michael Hall Mansion
Forest Row
Recorder Quartet
Described as Early Music's very own Spice Girls, this dazzling and award winning ensemble largely performs from memory on recorders from 6 inches up to 6 feet tall!
Their programme Double, Double, Toil & Trouble touches on the mystical and magical, spanning 900 years of music.
Palisander adds poetry, singing, movement and choreography to their performances -a recorder concert like you have never heard before!
Double, Double, Toil & Trouble
Songs used to spread word of witchcraft
Melodies sent through dreams by supernatural beings
Experience old and new compositions that explore the link between music and magic
​Composers include:
J.S Bach
and others
Adult £16, Child £6
Tickets will be available to purchase on the door (cash only) or book now to avoid disappointment:

The concert will take place in the Michael Hall Mansion Longroom. There is ample parking in the main school car park with disabled parking by the mansion entrance. The Longroom will be clearly signposted.
Long Room
Michael Hall Mansion
Kidbrooke Park
Priory Road
Forest Row
RH18 5JA